Why choose Adsterra as a traffic
provider for the eCommerce vertical?
Verified traffic and ads

3-level security algorithms. AI-powered anti-malware and anti-fraud solutions.

Ads that engage and convert

100% genuine traffic for push ads, banners, popunders, native ads. Ultra-converting Social Bar format.

Traffic-2-Offer matching

Smart algorithms match offers with relevant traffic ensuring higher conversions and revenues

High eCPM for publishers

We provide near-100% fill rates with offers that are relevant to the traffic. Offers with higher bids come first.

Great ROI for advertisers

A multi-level traffic estimation helps our advertisers set perfect bids and get more quality traffic.

Get your eCommerce offers matched
with the most relevant traffic
Consumer electronics
Gadgets and Smart Devices
Health & Beauty stores
Clothing and Fashion
Seasonal Goods and Sales

With Adsterra, you advertise with sense and impact. On our Self-Service Platform, you can estimate the traffic volume you'll get on each geo you need. Assess the recommended bids and make use of custom bids for traffic sources that perform best. Your CPM, CPC, and CPA campaigns will hit with Adsterra's granular approach to customer reach and remarketing.

Adsterra’s ad formats for the eCommerce vertical
Popunder ads
A widely used format, popunder brings impressive CTRs to Black Friday and seasonal sales offers. This full-page ad gives incomparable opportunities to demonstrate a product.
More about popunder ads
Native banners
Placed in the context, native banners are a primary choice for eCommerce players who need to reach the most interested customers’ segment. Ads bypass ad blockers and run on all devices.
More about Native ads
In-page Push and Social Bar
These ads are sub-formats of our revolutionary Social Bar. They don’t demand subscriptions, and are Adblock-friendly. The design is fully customizable. CTRs are up to 30 times higher compared to web push.
More about Social bar
Push Ads
With web push ads, advertisers can engage customers continually. Adsterra delivers over 1BN impressions monthly. With user lifetime targeting, the message can be delivered only to those who are ready to buy.
Display banners
Display banners serve billions of impressions. They always perform great with eCommerce offers, especially with consumer electronics, clothes and accessories, interior and kitchenware sales.
More about banner ads
Genuine traffic for CPM, CPC, and CPA
eCommerce campaigns

Ecommerce campaigns are normally launched with a CPA pricing. You can target any action: a lead, a purchase, an opt-in, or else. We deliver competitive rates to help you reach as many customers as possible. Your brand-awareness campaigns will also be highly resultative with a CPM pricing as it offers a comfortable cost per impressions and all Tiers coverage.

👉More about Adsterra pricing models

Top Adsterra services for advertisers and
publishers in the Ecommerce niche
  • Powerful self-Service Platform
    Powerful self-Service Platform

    An advanced control center. Launch campaigns, fine-tune bids, tweak targeting, and enhance your campaigns' efficiency.

  • Bids and traffic optimization
    Bids and traffic optimization

    Smart tools like Traffic Chart, Traffic Estimation, and Custom bid help save money and allocate budgets wisely.

  • Retargeting & RTB algorithms
    Retargeting & RTB algorithms

    Optimize your budgets with automatic auctions for traffic (RTB). Return those prewarmed leads who haven’t converted instantly with our retargeting pixel.

  • API & Conversion tracking
    API & Conversion tracking

    Use API to export data & statistics. Add your Voluum, Binom, Cake or other tracker to control all CPA conversions.

  • Experienced campaign management
    Experienced campaign management

    Full transparency and detailed reporting. Our expert managers successfully run worldwide-reach campaigns for direct advertisers and agencies.

  • Live support and dedicated managers
    Live support and dedicated managers

    Our multilingual managers assist in campaigns launch and advise on creatives, sources whitelists, and top performing offers.

Why join Adsterra
  • 248GEOs
    Global coverage, advertisers and
    publishers from all Tiers
  • 30BN+
    Average number of
    monthly impressions
  • 18K+
    Direct publishers with
    genuine WW traffic
  • 20K+
    Over 20K campaigns
    run simultaneously
  • 3-level security:
    anti-fraud and anti-malware
  • Anti-Adblock
  • ~100%
    Near-100% fill rates for
  • 100%
    Unique, quality traffic
    from mobile and desktop

Top verticals that thrive with Adsterra

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internal ellipse
How to start getting profit with
Adsterra ad network?
Buy traffic and advertise your offer
Sign in or register as an advertiser
Choose pricing model and add funds (or hit the create campaign tab)
Click Create campaign and choose Social Bar (or chat with our support to add all Social Bar formats)
Set up targeting and download creatives
Explore top-quality traffic!

Flexible pricing
and best-in-class
payout policy

$5 minimum payout
15NET payments
Union Pay