This case study is not only about iGaming traffic. In essence, it is a real lesson for everyone. The fact is that one of the main philosophical stones of our partners, and ourselves, is the ideal combination of format and niche. We regularly try new mixes, looking for unexpected solutions. However, sometimes the answer lies almost on the surface, and the simplest turns out to be the highest quality. The impossible to miss Interstitial format and top iGaming traffic work just fine in 100% of cases! So go on reading and rejoicing with us.
General info
Product: BingoPlus
KPI: app install
Landing page: direct linking
BingoPlus is a service that operates in the iGaming industry. The goal of this brand is to provide high-quality entertainment to users from different countries on the most comfortable and favorable terms. In addition to the browser version, there is also an application for Android.

Let’s start with the nuances right away. It was interesting to track how the features of the format affected the settings. For example, for this campaign we used a subformat of our legendary Social Bar: Interstitial. Let’s remember that this format is distinguished by its particularly large size (it can take up to 85% of the screen). This makes it literally impossible to miss. This characteristic directly affects the effectiveness of advertising. It is not for nothing that Interstitial is so popular among our partners, and especially in the iGaming niche.
So, Interstitial ads were launched on a Direct link. We assigned the installation of the application as a KPI: this is a powerful lead. The first thing we did was limit the traffic from those versions of Android that do not support the application.
Tip: When setting up your campaign for the first time, immediately limit traffic from irrelevant sources. These are all OS versions that do not support the app. You can also study the statistics: sometimes you can track a trend among users of a certain OS version. Even if the app is supported, users may show a low level of interest in your product. Limit this traffic to optimize the campaign.
For more tips and insiders’ hints join us and follow our social media and blog: we often post some handy info to help you make your campaigns more profitable!
Set parameters
Hereโre the parameters weโve set for the campaign:
- Pricing type: CPA
- Country: PH
- Price: $1.2
- Device format: mobile, tablet
- Operating system: Android 6.0 or later
- Traffic type: all.

For this campaign there were 2 Interstitial banners made with the help of the built-in creatives constructor:

Monitoring & optimizing
Monitoring for optimization purposes begins almost immediately after the campaign launch. Please note that the first days are the most important, as they are very indicative of the effectiveness of the launched campaign. The first steps of optimization were identifying traffic sources with low statistics. Thanks to this, we managed to disable these sources in time. So the campaign almost immediately became better.

Just in a first week, we managed to launch a campaign, optimize it, analyze it, cover all the spends, and get an impressive profit.
- CTR = 49% (380 135 views and 189 000 clicks)
- CR = 0.6% (1130 conversions per 7 days)
- $1412 total spends
- $4746 gross
- $3334 net profit
- 236,12% ROI
The whole team was very pleased with the results. This is a clear effect of smart optimization efforts and some tips. We will repeat them below for you so that you can apply these tips in your work.
Tips for Interstitial Ads and iGaming traffic campaigns
1) Segmentation. Be careful with it and don’t miss any details, no matter the niche. If your settings take into account different operating systems of devices, be sure to separate the campaigns. The example above was created separately for Android, and it was the right step.
2) Technical details. In case of mobile app advertising, it is especially important to consider which versions of applications does the app support. Use this for custom campaign settings.
3) Style. Visuals in digital advertising are half the battle. That’s why Interstitial is so popular, because it has the highest prospect of being noticed by the user. Try to preserve the style of your brand in your advertising creatives, trust us, your leads will appreciate it.
4) GEO. Localization of advertising is not something to be neglected. If you use a specific GEO, make sure that locals are comfortable interacting with your advertising.
5) Time. Don’t wait after launching a campaign and start optimizing right away. Monitoring the first results will save your money and increase it.
Take a look at the statistics of this case to draw enough conclusions. Anyway, we will still repeat the main rule: no matter how successfully and with minimal risks you choose a combo of format + niche, optimization should be timely. This is the constant work of our partners: we do our best to help you stay tuned and track all the necessary changes. Everything you need is at your service: catchy creatives that you can use for even greater results, tips, and other case studies that will help you take into account the experience of colleagues. We are waiting for you at Adsterra!