Home Monetize Social MediaFacebook [Advanced Monetization] How To Make Money on Facebook Traffic With Direct Link

[Advanced Monetization] How To Make Money on Facebook Traffic With Direct Link

by Adsterra Team
a guide to turning a profit from FB traffic

What do publishers miss when looking for increased ad earnings? While many of them only aim at monetizing website traffic, it’s social traffic that seems to have come in the top place. Through the past 2 years, publishers sending traffic from Facebook and other social networks have been storming the hills of profit. It would be unfair not to share their techniques with you 🙂 Today you’re going to learn how to make money on Facebook traffic with Adsterra ads. It’s not organic traffic, so this way of increasing revenues is truly instant.

This guide will supercharge your moneymaking power. It will walk you through the whole process of monetizing Facebook paid traffic with Adsterra Direct Link. You can return to it and apply these tips to any situation — you now have a universal method of streaming revenues.

What do you need to make money on Facebook and Adsterra?

While the flow we describe is fairly simple, we place this guide to the Advanced Skills category, as you’re going to deal with paid traffic. If you’ve ever launched and managed Facebook campaigns, you will find it familiar. 

So what will you need to start earning on Facebook traffic? This guide will show you how to:

  1. get Adsterra Direct Link code;
  2. create an elementary landing page to drive Facebook traffic;
  3. set up and launch a Facebook campaign with beneficial targeting.

Quite an ambitious plan, don’t you think so? Soon, you’ll make sure that it’s more than feasible. You can register with Adsterra now and practice on the go 😉

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Adsterra Smart Direct Link (or Direct Link) is the most usable format for turning a profit from social traffic. It’s an URL that contains thousands of high-paying ads. You can apply this URL to texta, images, GIFs, videos, and when users click on them, they will be redirected to an advertiser’s landing page or website. There are some vital things to learn about Facebook traffic, though.

Although you will use Adsterra Direct link to make money on Facebook, we don’t recommend placing it directly to your Facebook advertising post. FB often bans third-party links, and your campaign will burn out very soon. So what’re the winning tactics?

You will need to make up an elementary landing page to drive Facebook traffic from your paid ads there. And it’s on this landing page that you will place Adsterra Direct Link and collect lots of clicks and big cash. In this guide, you’ll get all the details about making a landing page, so stay tuned.

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It’s probably the easiest part of the guide as Adsterre is a very friendly platform for getting ad earnings. First off, you will need to register as a Publisher or sign in if you are already using some of our ad formats.

Once you’re in, find the Websites tab on the vertical toolbar and click on it. Here you can either add a website or request a Direct Link. Click the ADD DIRECT LINK button and fill out all the required fields. Finally, click ADD.

How to apply for Adsterra Direct Link code
It’s super-easy to apply for a Direct Link code from your account

You will have to wait a couple of minutes (or even seconds) till we approve your request. Refresh the Websites page and check if the Direct Link request has been approved. If the status is Active, click on the Copy icon to copy the ad code.

How to copy your Direct Link code

With the Direct Link’s code copied or saved, you can now move to the next stage and create a landing page. You will place the ad code on this lander and make money on Facebook traffic.

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2. How to make a simple landing page to drive traffic

We mentioned earlier that placing any codes containing ads directly to your Facebook page or post is risky. If you want to play safe and make money on Facebook for a longer time, you need a landing page to drive traffic there. So let’s create one and see where you can attach your Direct Link code to get as many payouts as possible.

What you need to make a landing page:

  1. A domain name if you want your lander to look credible. Some providers like Namecheap offer meager costs for domains. But you can use a domain name provided by the platform you’re using.
  2. Think of hosting for your lander or take one offered by your landing page provider. 
  3. A platform for building landing pages. If you’re a WordPress user, there will be no difficulties in creating a simple page there. If you want an even simpler solution, you will find one on the drag-and-drop Google Sites builder. This service is available for all who have a Google account.
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Creating a super-simple landing page step by step

One note before we start: we don’t limit you to the means of building landing pages. You are free to use any of those you find suitable and familiar. But practice requires examples. So today, we will practice with Google Sites. It’s a very easy-to-use service saving you hours of work.

  1. Sign in or sign up to Google. 
  2. Open https://sites.google.com/new.
  3.  You’re now on the starting page and need to decide whether to use a template or create from scratch. Let’s click on the colorful + icon.
Start creating a new Google site
Use this icon to create a new site from scratch

Enter the title and make a header
On a new page, you see the clues where to add your lander’s title and header. You need your page to stream multiple clicks, so it’s better to squeeze the content to the minimum. We now will remove the big header part leaving only the title so that users could see the content without scrolling.

The header part of your new landing page
You can remove the large header so that users

Prepare the page for adding the content part

Now, we will add some new blocks to the page’s layout. Here we will place the content part — something that you will promise users will get when clicking your Facebook ads. This might be: free courses, hot videos, ebooks, PDFs, graphic assets, and many more.

By the way, you can get free website content from PLR sources.

Let’s now add some example content blocks. Drag the block with two images from the Layouts tab. Done! You are ready for placing both links to your content and the Direct Link’s code!

Adding content blocks to your Google site
You can use various content blocks, this one is the most easy-to-use

Add your Direct Link to make money and place some valuable content

Where to place a Direct Link code so that it sends you loads of payouts? There are several ways to attract users. One of them is using images as the most viewable part of the page.

Here in the example below, we added two headings that lead to a PDF document download — these are examples of valuable content you can offer. At the same time, we attached a Direct Link code to 2 images above the headings. When clicking on them, users will see ads that you are paid for. As a result, users have access to some useful documents while they reward you with more and more ad views!

Place your Direct Link code to the most visible part of the page
Visuals prompt clicks: use this to make money on ads

Want a more click-boosting example? Here you go! If you target users who enjoy watching free videos, add some appealing photos like video covers or previews and attach Direct Link to them.

In the example below, users will be redirected to a Google Drive when clicking on a DOWNLOAD NOW button. But a click on the heading will open a video to watch online. The Direct Link’s code is attached to the two photos of beautiful girls. 

Add catchy photos to your Google site
Try finding catchy but mild-explicit photos to comply with FB terms

Having finished your landing page, you can now carry on and click on the PUBLISH button. On the pop-up window, you either choose the Google domain name or attach the one you purchased.

How to publish a landing page

You’re ready to drive Facebook traffic and earn on it. That means we move to the final part of our guide!

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3. Using Facebook Ads to send paid traffic and monetize it

Before you start

Before you dive into the final part of the guide, we want to emphasize that Facebook has several restrictions to ads, and you should read all its Terms and Conditions carefully. If you don’t comply with the rules, your account may be banned. It’s great when you have several FB Business accounts so that you can switch your campaign from one to another in case ads are suspended.

If you don’t have any accounts on Facebook, the network can lock your advertising possibilities until your account is checked and proved to be valid. 

And now, the most exciting part — it’s time to make money on Facebook traffic.

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Create an advertising campaign on Facebook

To advertise on Facebook and use its traffic, you will need an FB page. If you don’t have one, click on the flag icon in the header of your account and then find the Create new page button.

Create a new FB page

You will be asked to give your FB page a name, choose a category, and come up with a description. When finished, click the Create page button and open your new page.

From your FB page, you will need to find the Ad section. Please keep in mind that this option may be locked for a while for a brand new Facebook page. But we hope that you will be able to access it straight away. Pick the multi icon from the upper menu and scroll until you see the Ad icon. Click on it.

Where to find the Ad section on Facebook

You will get a notification from Ads Manager Click on it or simply enter https://www.facebook.com/adsmanager/ in the search.

Navigate to Facebook Ads Manager

When you’re in, choose Create campaign and pick Traffic as your campaign objective. Now please name your campaign and click Continue.

Choosing a campaign objective
Choose Traffic for your campaign objective

In the next step, you check if your campaign relates to any of the categories in the list. In our training guide, we leave this option untouched. You can also turn on the Campaign Budget Optimization on this step, but it will also be available later. So you can skip this part and click Next.

Your FB campaign details
In our guide, we skipped this part, but you might need it in your further campaigns
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Traffic destination and budgets

First off, you need to choose where you will send your traffic — please tick Website in the list. You will enter your landing page URL later.

choose where to send traffic

Now please ensure you entered the lifetime budget limit so not to overspend money (Budget & Schedule section.) Our publishers’ successful case studies have revealed that $40-$50 is the optimal amount per campaign.

Set budget limits
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Now we move to the cream of the cream — the targeting.

Traffic is fluid, so you will have to check trends and seasons when planning a campaign. But speaking of emerging traffic sources and evergreen ads like videos and giveaways, we can advise choosing South Africa in the Location field. There is a lot of quality traffic at affordable costs. If you target another country, then make your choice.

Please fill out all the required fields in the Audience section: age (preferably 18-50), gender, and other parameters.

If you aim at mobile traffic or mobile users that love watching videos and having fun, remember to open the Detailed Targeting section and click Browse. Navigate to the Behaviors section, scroll down until the Mobile Device User subsection, and pick Network Connection. Choose 4G and 3G mobile users. This connection type is enough to watch compressed videos and …ads, of course 🙂

3. Using Facebook Ads to send paid traffic and monetize it
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Advertising creatives

On the Ad Setup page, you will need to upload visuals, add texts, and enter your landing page URL.

Users will first meet your ads and then click on them to see a landing page you created. Make sure your visuals and texts are powerful enough to make users click.

In our example with video content promotion, you could add some hot photos (not too revealing, but appealing), prompting users to watch videos you’re promoting. While FB does not allow adding too much text on pictures, you definitely can place a call to action.

Add advertising creatives to your FB campaign
These are basic settings, but we recommend diving into Facebook ad creation tools later

Facebook is a powerful marketing platform for making money on traffic, so it will offer you several ad previews, allow for rotating ads, and even adjust the photos. Save some time to tweak all settings and find the best combo.

Finally, when you have finished with targeting, budgets, and creatives, you pass to the final step. So please choose the payment method and set your campaign live.

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Main reasons to make money on Facebook traffic and ad campaigns

As an online entrepreneur, you should rely on Facebook ads when it comes to increasing revenues. But keep your goals clear: you only need to supply your landing page with massive traffic, not overspending on it. Your primary goal is to make users led from Facebook click on Direct Link and watch ads.

The more appealing your landing page is, the more clicks you collect, the higher payouts you get. If you get very few clicks, stop your campaign, refresh the landing, and try moving the ad codes to the most visible parts.

When you lead Facebook traffic, clicks will come almost immediately. Check with your Adsterra statistics to monitor the payouts you get.

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Instead of a conclusion: tips to getting profit from Facebook paid traffic

Your campaigns will differ from the sample one we observed here. So will differ the targeting. Please ensure you choose a GEO, device, behavior targeting that matches your offer. And a couple more tips to sum up all said above:

  1. Your ad creatives must match your landing page: you should use similar messages and designs.
  2. Place Direct Link code to the most visible parts of your landing page. It’ better to put it above the fold (where users can see it without scrolling the page.) 
  3. Think of the content that will attract as many users as possible; entertaining videos, hot videos, movies, free graphic resources, MP3 files, ebooks, etc.
  4. Make the most of your Facebook ad creatives: add triggering words, urge users about the limited time of the offer, push users to follow to your landing page. Prepare several creatives and text messages as you might need to refresh them. Or, you can use A/B tests offered by Facebook.
  5. Detailed Facebook Targeting allows you to specify the interests and behavior of your users. For instance, you can target those who love Entertainment. But be careful not to narrow your audience. The cheaper and the more massive your traffic is, the more you have opportunities to get clicks.
  6. You have unlimited opportunities to make money on Facebook traffic and Direct Link. Create various landing pages and test multiple ad messages.

Get your Direct Link code and make a leap to higher profits with FB traffic!

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