Home Affiliate Marketing & Media Buying What is Tier Traffic? How to Profit from Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 Countries

What is Tier Traffic? How to Profit from Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 Countries

by Olly V
What is Tier Traffic? How to Profit from Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 Countries

Tier 1, 2, and 3 countries are universal terms advertisers use to rank geos by consuming capacity. Countries with the wealthiest economies are placed in Tier 1 list. In Tier 2 and 3 countries, people spend less money and buy less frequently.

Understanding “what is tier in affiliate marketing?” is important to defining your bid strategy when you launch a campaign. So let’s deal with this right now!

What is Tier traffic in affiliate marketing: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 meaning

Tiers in affiliate marketing and advertising are rankings of countries. These rankings divide countries by their potential to deliver ad conversions for mass-market, mid-class and expensive products. Operating tier traffic is a key skill for affiliate marketers, as it helps launch campaigns with the highest output.

Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 meaning

Tier 1 countries are usually the most desirable. They typically have the highest potential for converting ads into great ROIs. Countries from this group are the world’s most powerful economies.

Tier 2 countries are the next best option for affiliate marketers, as they refer to evolving markets with the highest potential. It is usually followed by a decent mobile & tablet device penetration, along with fewer regulations compared to the first group.

The Tier 3 meaning is also simple: these are geos with less developed economies. Most advertisers think of them as poor-quality traffic zones. Well, it’s a barefoot statement, as you will make sure later.

Reasonable traffic costs and loyal audience coming from all tiers: that’s what 15K of our advertisers get daily. Add desktop, mobile, and tablet top tier traffic to your marketing!

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Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 countries examples

Examples of tier 1 countries include the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Netherlands. Tier-2 geos–while not as promising as their rivals–offer good potential for ad conversions. Examples of such geos include Hungary, Turkey, Thailand, and Mexico. Examples of tier-3 countries include Pakistan, Senegal, Mozambique, Congo, Bangladesh, and other countries.

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Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 countries list

Most of the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 landscape classifications are income-based. Trusted sources like the World Bank classify every geo by income its nation generates, that’s why countries jump from one list to another.

Here’s an easy-digestible table of geolocations you can use when planning to launch a campaign. But remember, all such classifications are approximate.

Tier 1

Characteristics: High income of the population, stable economy, high GDP, expensive CPM, CPC, CPA traffic, and massive consumer spending.
Tier 2

Characteristics: medium-level income, medium ad costs, growing economy and fast digitalization, growing or stable consumer spending.
Tier 3

Characteristics: incomes are lower than medium-level, lower consuming capacity, less developed digital infrastructure.
Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America
Andorra, Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macao, Malaysia, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Uruguay, VanuatuAlbania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia
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Tier 4 countries: whether they have potential?

Tier 4 is not a standard group in official databases and media. Still, you can come across this category when launching a campaign. Countries from this group are considered as less profitable in terms of high-cost conversions: Burkina Faso, Malawi, Iran, Afghanistan, and others.

Many marketers believe lower-income and closed economies are prominent. If your experience allows you to optimize traffic for conversions, you’ll be able to succeed.

Offer types with the highest potential:

  • Sweepstakes
  • mVAS
  • Antivirus
  • VPN
  • iGaming (with low deposit rates)
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Insight: How to read Tier classifications?

Classifications like this one above are based on the authoritative research centers’ databases. One of such is the World Bank’s system of grouping economies by income (per capita). The main concern here is that many developing countries host the wealthiest regions and can outcompete the economy of the No1 leader. However, they’re listed in the second group. So remember to ditch for more details about the country you target in the media or other official sources.

Helpful sources:

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Insight: Why are tier сountries lists not universal?

Every ad network evaluates geos based on their potential to produce conversions. Even though two networks rank a country as tier-1, the cost of traffic may vary hugely, and the traffic profile will be different: one offer types will work better on tablet & mobile devices, other with desktop, and so on.

Pro advice: ask your ad network’s personal manager which tiers they have and which offers are best suited for each of them. You can also find out the most-converting traffic type: mainstream, non-mainstream, desktop, mobile, tablet, etc.

Ultimately, targeting the right tier countries can have a huge impact on the success of your affiliate marketing efforts.

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Pros and cons of Tier 1 traffic

Every tier in the affiliate marketing landscape has its advantages and drawbacks. When it comes to tier 1 countries, the advantages include the highest commissions paid for conversions, great purchasing potential, and a huge selection of CPA offers in CPA networks. Also, Internet speeds in these countries are high, even on mobile & tablet devices.

However, there are some risks associated with tier-1 traffic as well. Advertisers need to be aware of strict advertising regulations and stiff competition.

Tier 1 traffic prosTier 1 traffic cons
Lots of high-paying offers
Many English-speaking users
Highest payouts for affiliates
High internet speeds and robust digital infrastructure
Mobile adoption is high
People are purchasing expensive goods and services
Lots of relevant traffic
High-quality conversions
Payment systems availability
Most-expensive traffic
Highest competition
Sophisticated audience
Stricter regulations, especially in iGaming
Audiences often use ad blockers
People value their privacy highly and are hard to convince to pass surveys or opt in for sweeps

Best Tier one offers

  • E-commerce
  • iGaming
  • Mobile Utility
  • Consumer electronics
  • Games
  • Education
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Tier-2 traffic pros and cons

Tier-2 countries are considered to be less rewarding in terms of payouts. Our experts don’t recommend believing this statement, mainly because you can make the same money with a larger number of conversions and less spending.

There are many reasons to target Tier 2 nations. For one, their spending potential can vary greatly depending on the country, so it’s essential to do your research before ruling out a particular location.

Geos from this group boast solid technological development, including online payments and mobile adoption. This makes them a promising segment of the affiliate advertising market, with a high conversion rate and plenty of potential for success.

Tier 2 countries prosTier-2 countries cons
The competition is less stiff
Loads of traffic
Decent consuming capacity
Traffic is cheaper
Robust, emerging digital infrastructure
Mobile traffic volumes are huge
Quality conversions
People are used to shop and pay online
Ad block usage is less frequent
Fewer payment systems available; many local paysystems in use
Many languages; localization is imperative here
Many differences in audiences’ pain points and values
Legal regulation need to be taken into account
Fewer audiences buy luxury or premium goods

Top offers to advertise in Tier 2 countries

  • iGaming and Sports
  • Social apps
  • VPN
  • Dating and Communication
  • Finance (Make money online)
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Pros and cons of Tier-3 traffic

Lots of traffic, fewer regulations, and the lowest conversion costs: that’s how many affiliates can describe the Tier-3 landscape. Nevertheless, this segment of traffic can be tricky to work with.

Audiences from these geos are purchasing online less frequently, prefer to save money rather than spend it on expensive goods, and make fewer conversions.

Traffic behavior varies from country to country, and you must keep it in mind when promoting an offer. Cultural differences also play a core role; affiliates need more time to adjust ad creatives and prelanders.

Tier 3 countries have evolved dramatically these days. 4G/LTE and Wi-Fi connections are widespread, mobile Internet users are numerous, and online payment options are increasing daily. These reasons, along with the alluring traffic costs, are enough to add this set of geos to your marketing.

Tier-3 countries pros

Tier-3 countries cons
Lowest traffic costs (in some countries, like Kenya and South Africa, however, prices have soared in 2022-2023)
Massive traffic for various offer types
Low competition
Very few legal regulations in many countries, but there still can be cultural and religious barriers
Less demanding audiences
More opportunities for the simplest offers like Sweeps or Surveys
Fewer ad-block users
Growing mobile device adoption
Low payouts even for conversions (if compared to Tier 1)
Lower spending potential in general, however, it strictly depends on the country
Cultural and religious specific matters a lot
Translation to local languages may be required
Low demand for expensive goods
Online payment infrastructure is less developed 

Best offers to advertise in Tier-3 countries

  • Social apps
  • Sweepstakes
  • Finance (Make money online)
  • VPN
  • Antiviruses, Cleaners
  • mVAS content
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New Tier 1 competitors to consider in 2025

Here’s an insight from Adsterra experts: world economies classification is outdated. The post-pandemic world is being reshaped right now. With so many countries evolving, new technologies being implemented, we can’t stick to the same lists of the so-as-called “prosperous and non-prosperous countries,” right?

As an experienced affiliate, you will surely be interested in trend watching, and especially, in testing potent traffic sources. China, Singapore, India, South Africa are among the most promising geos in terms of payouts and conversions.

We also notice a constant surge in demand for traffic and new offers appearing in these regions:

  • Brazil
  • The Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Portugal
  • Turkey
  • Indonesia
  • Vietnam

African countries are demonstrating a huge shift in ad campaign efficiency. These geos have been among the most rewarding for the past two years:

  • Kenya
  • Nigeria
  • South Africa
  • Mozambique

To add more, new market niches are appearing right at this moment. For instance, eSports are taking over the hearts of sports fans around the world. Indeed, there are too many limitations to advertising such offers, but Adsterra’s Head of CPM is sure that eSports will soon occupy a significant niche in affiliate marketing.

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Which tiers should affiliate marketers target?

It’s recommended to skill up in promoting all tiers to diversify income sources. For example, targeting Tier-1 countries may yield higher returns, but it’s also riskier because it requires more upfront capital. On the other hand, targeting geos from 2nd and 3rd groups will offer more budget-friendly campaigns with lower conversion rates but will still provide some potential return on investment.

Do some research on each tier before launching a campaign in order to ensure that your offer is valuable and the conversion flow is feasible.


  1. If you’re launching an mVAS (PIN Submit offer), you will face more regulations in Tier 1 countries than in Tier 3.
  2. Offers like Sweeps require lead forms filling; in many countries, users are unlikely to input personal data.
  3. If you advertise an iGaming offer, pay attention to the deposit requirements; players from your geo should be able to deposit this amount.

Practical insights:

You’re not a Wikipedia to store every single detail about every tier. But basic experience comes with practice. Read more case studies about targeting various counties and grow your own knowledge! You can refer to media sources like Mobidea, forums like Afflift, or get hyper-focused affiliate case studies from your ad network.

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Tier traffic FAQs:

1. Should I target Tier 1 traffic only?

It depends on your experience and offers. If you’re an advanced pro who knows how to obtain conversions in the US or Canada, you can focus on Tier 1 only. But why limit yourself to these highly competitive markets? Try running multi-geo offers, adding Tier 2 countries and multiplying your revenues.

2. Which Tier traffic is best for beginners?

We recommend Tier 2 countries or try Tier 3 traffic if you’re starting out as an affiliate. But what’s more important: choose offers with a simple conversion flow like app installs or downloads. Avoid complex conversions like cash on delivery or deposits.

3. Is Tier 3 traffic of a poor quality?

In media and official reports, this group is considered to have a less developed economy. But you still can make money here. It’s not the traffic quality, it’s the offer applicability you should take into account. It’s vital to choose a reliable traffic source. Adsterra is a leading ad network with best tier-3 traffic from the MENA region and Asia along with the traditional Tier 1 countries.

4. How do Tier geos differ?

Tiers can be divided by several parameters:
– technologies and digital infrastructure (internet speed, mobile and tablet device usage, etc.)
– languages
– legal regulations and restrictions
– cultural and behavior patterns
– payment systems availability
– interest in the product you advertise

5. What are the best tiers?

The best tiers are those that deliver you cost-effective and quality conversions. We at Adsterra advise you not to rely on basic classifications on public media but build marketing based on your goals and experience. It often happens when you can get more traffic from, say, Latam, paying a lower cost, but the quality of conversions will be of the same level as with North America traffic.

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We’ve done with visualizing the “tier traffic” landscape. The tier system usually consists of three categories: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 countries. Knowing which tiers offer the highest potential for successful campaigns is essential, especially, if affiliate marketing is your profession.

You can now decide without a hitch, which tiers are most valuable for your ad strategy, whether you aim to get mobile & tablet or desktop traffic. There are no good or bad tiers if you learn all their pros and cons. What’s important is to have a proven traffic source, where you can purchase high-quality traffic from any tier.

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