Home Affiliate Marketing & Media Buying High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing: a Roadmap to Massive Commissions

High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing: a Roadmap to Massive Commissions

by Chisom Maduonuorah

High-ticket affiliate marketing can transform your earnings from modest to substantial, think hundreds or thousands of dollars per sale. However, navigating the maze of techniques can be challenging. There are many things involved in successful high-ticket affiliate marketing, which you need to learn as a beginner.

Our article is an introductory guide to mastering high-ticket affiliate marketing and increasing your commissions. Say goodbye to minimal earnings and hello to affiliate marketing success.

High-ticket affiliate marketing: What is it?

It is a type of affiliate marketing defined by larger commissions. It involves promoting expensive products and complex services in exchange for “high-ticket” payouts. Think of it as an exclusive type of affiliate marketing.

Examples of top-paying affiliate niches include:

  • iGaming,
  • Financial services,
  • Insurance,
  • Electronics,
  • Club memberships,
  • Educational courses, etc.

The difference between high and low-ticket affiliate marketing

The primary difference between both affiliate programs lies in the volume of payouts. High-ticket freelance digital marketing offers significantly higher commissions than low-ticket ones. The former is classified by commission payouts of $100 and upwards per sale, and some offers run into the thousands.

High-commission affiliate programs have lower conversion rates compared to low-ticket ones. This is because the former ones involve expensive products people don’t purchase impulsively. Even though it’s harder to close a sale, affiliates can still earn more money from high-ticket deals than low-ticket ones.

However, high-ticket deals require more time to build trust with a consumer and convince them to buy a pricey product. Low-ticket deals don’t need as much work because they involve products that people easily buy.

Head of Adsterra CPA Network
Nikita Dubinin

High-yielding offers require incredibly thoughtful optimization, and you’ll need an effective conversion tracker. Ensure your ad network lets you quickly track non-performing ad placements and geographical locations and cut them off. Also, use creatives to lure users’ attention. 

To get effective results, you can ask your ad network managers for the best-performing ad examples in your niche (they always have the current statistics). You can also search for the best examples and copy them.

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How much can high-ticket affiliate marketers earn?

Income varies widely in the affiliate industry. According to a study from the Influencer Marketing Hub, most affiliates (58%) earn less than $10,000 annually, which places them significantly below the high-ticket cutoff. According to the same study, only 7.9% of affiliates earn between $100,000 and $150,000 annually, and 3.8% make above $150,000 annually.

Annual-Earnings from Marketing-Efforts-within-Affiliate-Programs
Annual incomes of affiliate marketers by percentage.
Source: Influencer Marketing Hub

The above stats show that it’s definitely possible to earn over $100,000 annually from high-ticket affiliate programs if affiliate marketers play their cards right. Like with all industries, there are outliers earning high six figures or millions of dollars annually. However, there are lower chances of getting there, so it’s better to target between $100,000 and $150,000 annually as your goal. Who knows, you might even surpass it. 

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The advantages of high-ticket affiliate marketing

  • Higher earnings: These offers give website and app publishers a chance to earn high income from their content. They provide lucrative commission rates that publishers can use to boost earnings by promoting a relevant product. 
  • Targeted audience: High-ticket offers involve promoting products to a specific niche, which makes the work easier for affiliates.
  • Upselling: People who purchase pricey products are likelier to have disposable income for other products. Hence, marketers can easily upsell them on similar products and get a higher payment from the affiliate partner.

    High-value products are also often offered with a RevShare payment model, which is a stable way of earning.
  • Assistance: Businesses that engage in high-ticket affiliate marketing usually offer a lot of support and assistance to their affiliate partners. Affiliates can access detailed marketing materials & guides, sales funnels, and software tools to streamline their promotion efforts.
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High-ticket affiliate programs and CPA networks

There are thousands of high-ticket affiliate programs to choose from, and it can be confusing to pick the right one. Fortunately, we’ve listed some of the best high-ticket affiliate programs and networks a marketer can choose. They include:

Adsterra CPA Network


The Adsterra CPA Network gives professional affiliates access to a collection of high-paying offers. After getting their applications approved, affiliates can unlock iGaming offers that pay up to $200 per user deposit. In the same way, affiliates can profit from lesser-paying, but high-converting VPN, Utility, and Dating offers or stable RevShare E-commerce and Finance deals. Affiliates get paid semimonthly with a minimum hold. Trusted partners usually have a customized payment schedule.

Affiliates can monetize different types of traffic on this network, Popunders, Push Ads, social, PPC or organic traffic. 

The stats dashboard lets you stay on top of your metrics at all times. You can monitor your impressions, clicks, conversions, and revenue in real time and immediately adjust your ad strategy and budgeting when needed. 

Affiliates are safe from losing traffic and draining their ad budgets when using the Backlink tool. It allows redirecting users to any of your spare landing pages if the offer is stopped for any reason.

You can learn how to choose offers, set up postbacks, and get paid in this guide to highly paying affiliate CPA networks.

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Kinsta Affiliate Program


Kinsta is a prominent cloud hosting provider for apps and websites. Tens of thousands of companies host their digital platforms on Kinsta, including some that you probably visit. 

Kinsta runs an affiliate program that gives marketers 5 to 10% in lifetime monthly conversions for every Kinsta customer they refer. Imagine you refer 10 customers that stick long-term with Kinsta; that becomes guaranteed significant income for a long time.

Below, you can read our interview about how Kinsta empowers website owners to build reliable platforms and earn revenue, including from affiliate marketing.

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Shopify is the world’s biggest E-commerce software vendor. Millions of individuals and businesses host their online stores on Shopify because it makes things unbelievably easy. These sellers need affiliate partners to help them promote their products, and Shopify offers a platform to link both parties.

Affiliates can sign up for Shopify’s Affiliate Program and sift through some high-ticket offers. This platform is open to different types of affiliates, including social media influencers, YouTube content creators, app and website publishers, etc. 

This program requires an application that Shopify will review and respond to within five days. If an intending affiliate is approved, they’ll get access to a pool of lucrative offers at their fingertips.

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ClickFunnels is a popular sales and marketing platform for businesses and is one of the top affiliate marketing companies. It offers many software tools to help businesses advertise effectively and get conversions. 

This platform offers an affiliate program that gives a 30% commission for each successful referral you drive their way. To make things better, ClickFunnels offers a recurring commission, meaning the affiliate earns additional money each time a referred customer renews their subscription. 

ClickFunnels offers a vast collection of sales and marketing tools, including a landing page builder, analytics dashboard, email marketing tools, and a web forum builder. 

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Amazing Selling Machine


Amazing Selling Machine is a prominent website that teaches people how to sell stuff online. It offers courses for third-party retailers that sell on Amazon and other popular E-commerce sites.

One side of Amazing Selling Machine is the individuals and businesses selling stuff online, and the other side is the affiliates helping them promote the products. Affiliates can team up with retailers for high-ticket offers via this website. Sellers offer up to 50% commission on premium products, and affiliates can take advantage of these high offers to earn significant income from their content.

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How to begin high-ticket affiliate marketing

The first step to starting high-ticket affiliate marketing is finding suitable offers to promote. The best way to do this is through an affiliate or CPA network, which offer high-paying affiliate programs for beginners.

After finding a suitable offer, you must promote it to your desired audience. In the classic affiliate marketing model, you’ll create a website to post product reviews and include your affiliate links in them. However, there’s also the CPA marketing model, wherein you buy ads for your affiliate links from a social media platform, search engine, or a reputable ad network like Adsterra.

For example, a passionate gamer finds an offer to promote a game they love. In the classic affiliate marketing model, the promoter would create a website to review the game and include an affiliate link for readers to follow and sign up for a trial. However, in the CPA marketing model, the marketer buys ads to send as much high-quality traffic as possible to the game’s affiliate link. 

Either way, the marketer gets paid for each person who follows the affiliate link and signs up for a trial.

Adsterra ad network eases your journey into the potentially lucrative world of high-ticket affiliate marketing by serving billions of ad views from loyal audiences. Enrich your campaigns with a new source of quality traffic.

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Tools for effective high-ticket affiliate marketing

Tools that improve the chances of succeeding in high-ticket affiliate marketing include:

  • Ahrefs: A tool for backlink research, link-building, keyword research, and site audits.
  • SpyFu: Analyze your competitors’ strategies to give you an edge. 
  • Bluehost: An affordable and reliable hosting service for websites.
  • Adsterra: A cost-per-action (CPA) network to find lucrative affiliate offers to promote.
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Effective strategies for high-ticket affiliate marketing

  1. Build trust and credibility with your clients. Be honest about the products and services you promote to build trust with your audience. With enough trust, they’ll likelier buy what you’re promoting.
  1. Create relevant content for your audience. Give them detailed information they can hardly find somewhere else. In a sea of information, exclusivity is key.
  1. Use high-quality visuals on your website or landing page. Images and videos should be clear, reasonably spaced, and not interfere with text. The better the quality of the visuals, the likelier the campaign will get conversions.
  1. Leverage social proof. Include past reviews or noteworthy endorsements when promoting a product to your audience. They increase the likelihood of getting conversions for your product advertisement.
  1. Use multiple marketing channels to reach a broader audience. It increases your chances of getting better results.
  1. Track your results constantly and make adjustments immediately when needed.
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Two high-ticket affiliate marketing examples

Robb Report

Source: Robb Report

Robb Report is a popular luxury lifestyle magazine and news site. It publishes news articles, reviews, and features on luxury cars, houses, dining, travel, etc. This magazine has affiliate partnerships with many luxury product manufacturers that pay lucrative commissions. For instance, the company curates gift guides and earns money when a reader buys a recommended gift. 

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Source: Investopedia

Investopedia is a prominent financial content provider. It provides news on the latest events in the financial and business sectors and comparisons of financial products such as credit cards, brokerage accounts, banking apps, etc. Investopedia has affiliate partnerships with many financial service providers and earns lucrative commissions when a reader signs up for a recommended product. 

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iGaming Offer

Alex, an affiliate marketer from Cyprus, promoted iGaming offers in Portugal and earned thousands of dollars. He found offers for a sports wagering platform and promoted them via the Adsterra ad network with Popunders, primarily targeting Android device users. Alex spent $1,242 on ads and made $3,150 from commissions, earning a $1,908 profit, or a 154% return on investment.

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What’s the best-paying affiliate marketing niche?

There’s no single highest-paying affiliate marketing niche. However, the most lucrative niches include iGaming, financial services, health products, and educational courses.

How can advertisers identify affiliate programs that align with their niche?

Look for products that offer great value for money, and check what your competitors are doing to get a good idea.

What are common issues advertisers face in high-ticket affiliate marketing?

It’s often challenging for marketers to find high-quality products to promote. It’s also challenging to build long-lasting relationships with premium retailers that give high-ticket offers because of intense competition. 

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We have explained the main things you need to know about high-ticket affiliate marketing. We’ve explained what it is, how it works, and the best practices for effective results.

Above all, affiliates should find a source of genuine traffic that will be cost-effective but provide relevant and high-intent audiences. Adsterra ad network serves over 32B monthly impressions for VPN, Apps, iGaming, Finance, Dating and lots of other offer types. You can connect your offer with the right users right now.

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