Home Affiliate Marketing Case Studies Case Study: $626 on Advertising a Mobile App With Social Bar (Push Ads)

Case Study: $626 on Advertising a Mobile App With Social Bar (Push Ads)

by Adsterra Team
They say knowing trends pays you well. Now we can prove this saying with real figures and informative tips. Our partner has managed to reach ROI 151% on advertising the top-spot mobile app with Social Bar push ads templates. Now he’s sharing all tweaks with the Adsterra Affiliate Community. Grab these techniques and make them convert your mobile traffic even better.

As this case study is provided by one of our partners, we keep the spelling untouched. We try to maintain a unified structure for all case studies, so we sometimes make a few changes in the sequence of paragraphs. The author's opinion does not necessarily reflect our views.

Core data for the case study of a mobile app advertising with push ads (Social Bar) 

  • Traffic type: Social Bar by Adsterra.com
  • Offer: Mainstream Utility (Mobile App)
  • Time period: March 03–10
  • GEO: 🇮🇳 IN
  • Spent: $415.20
  • Income: $1041.43
  • Profit: $626.23
  • ROI: 150.8%

Choosing GEO and traffic source

Hello everyone! 

Today I’ll show you how to adapt to trends and keep up with them. This time on the menu we have another TikTok killer, which is allowed in India — “Josh”.

Let’s jump right in!

Choosing an offer

The application was released last year, but it has already gained popularity among users — they are downloading it like no tomorrow! Let’s try to get as much out of it as possible 🙂

More info about the offer:

  • Conversion type: CPI
  • Vertical: Utility
  • Device format: Mobile
  • OS type: Android
  • No bot-traffic allowed 🤖
  • Payment for each installation — $0.13

Screenshot of the final landing:


As you already know, there is a lot of cheap traffic in India that we’ll have to work with.

Following the classic pattern I contacted the manager first and asked him about my future competitors on this offer. I also wanted to know the rate at which I should drive the traffic. 

After having carried out some test campaigns, I decided to go with a $0.002 payout for every click.


Let’s move on to making creatives. The Social Bar format implies meticulous work with creatives, testing them, etc. Yeah, it’s a bit time consuming, but it pays off when you’re done with the campaign.

People happen to be fond of creatives with avatars and those who is looking for love, etc. In my experience, such creatives work great and draw users’ attention perfectly. I wrote about it in more detail in one of my previous cases — give it a look, if you are interested in this topic.

Alright, here are some examples of creatives that you can make yourself:

Social Bar looks like private message

As you may have noticed, I use a lot of clickbait icons and texts that aimed at engaging into the conversation. If your advertiser allows such click boosters — you really should take advantage of it. You will have a great CTR with such banners and they will bring you good money.

Use phrases with an appeal to open a dialogue, communicate — they work wonders for India. 

On a separate note, I wanted to mention that Adsterra added new templates to push ads and Social Bar creatives, so you can now make them look like messengers, etc., and they look awesome. 


Stage 1 (Disabling non-converting creatives)

When working with Social Bar, I advise you to create and upload as many creatives as possible. You can sift out the most appropriate ones during the test phase so you don’t have to do extra work later. Then, gradually turn off the creatives that have a low CTR in the main campaign. Change the creatives if you see that their efficiency drops.

Step 2 (Creating Blacklists)

A very important point when dealing with traffic in India. There are a lot of bots that you need to get rid of during the test phase. I recommend you to spend more time on blacklists, because no one will pay for bots and you will just go into a deficit. Don’t be lazy 😜


So, in total: Android targeting (version 5.0 and up); mainstream+  traffic; mobile devices; English and Hindi languages; all iOS browsers removed.

Screenshot of the final settings: 



Screenshot from Adsterra:


Total spent in Adsterra for all days: $415.2.

Total income: $1041.43.

Profit: $1041.43 – $415.20 = $626.23

ROI: 150.8%

Screenshot from my affiliate network: 


As you can see, the proposed Social Bar format is working perfectly. We get a great CTR, a lot of conversions and a remarkable result that translates into money. 

Stay focused, work on the campaign, improve your creatives, keep a close eye on the stats and success will follow. 

Try to look for similar offers and test this format yourself.

Good luck to you all!

Feel free to explore new GEOs with Adsterra traffic. As you may have already found out, loads of low-cost but high-converting impressions are easy to drive. This Mobile app advertising case study for push ads is not a unique example of making profits on the well-filtered traffic. Our partners run Sweepstakes campaigns, promote iGaming offers with ROI 286%, and win multiple conversions with Mobile Subscriptions.

Your turn to take the lead!

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